Monday, September 15, 2008

Reproduction of Salmon

Reproduction of Salmons

Salmons go a long way to reproduce. The salmon goes a long way that is about 200 or 300 km. There are also some salmons that go 2000 km away from their birthplace.
The salmon takes a trip from its birthplace, which is in the sea, to the fresh water. Salmons keep a lot of fat in their body for their long trip, so they can avoid any obstacles on the way. If they finish reproducing, salmons can lose 40% of their body weight and some can die. Only 5% of adult fish that can survive their trip from the sea. After a period of resting, for about 1-2 years, they return to the sea.
On the way back, the salmon finds a river and swims against the current, until they reach their place of birth. Then they lay their eggs in shallow water, on a surface of sand or pebbles.

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