Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas Holiday!!!

Ini udah mulai Christmas Holiday..gw planning ke..kemna gtu...klo klian bgemna?? Nnti msuk skolah lg tnggal 7 Januari!! Liburan panjang..ato g pendek gak tw yg pnting lbur sneng bgt!!! Hrp lburan klian bsa sneng tpi tetep slamat! Bye! God bless you all! Merry Christmas!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Merry Christmas Everybody!!!!! Early wishes!!!!

Hi everybody!!! I just wanna wish a merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! Happy Holidays ya!! Have fun and never be bored...Liburan kemana kalian2?? Gw kayaknya travelling..gonna miss you in the holidays!! Juga jangan lupa dateng ke performance PSKD yach!!!
Merry Christmas!!!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Interesting Event

Interesting Event from the Novel

“When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit”

This interesting event is when Anna, Max and Mama met Papa. Anna was very happy to meet him. She missed her father so much and Papa also missed his family so much. Anna, Max and Mama were told by Anna’s father to meet him in Zurich, Switzerland. Anna and the others rode a train there. It was a very long trip.

Anna met her father in the train station. When Anna first got there, she looked for her father first. When Anna found him, she quickly ran and hugged him. She really loves him. Papa also ran and hugged her. Anna and Papa hugged so tight because they missed each other so much. Mama and Max stood next to them, but they also missed Papa very much.

The setting of this event was in the train station in Zurich, Switzerland. Behind them was a water fountain. The train station was very crowded. Mama and Max were also there. The characters were Anna, Anna’s father, Anna’s mother and Max. This event is interesting for me because it is very nice. This event also makes me remember that, if my mom or my dad travels, I will miss them so much.

My Dad’s Profession

My dad loves his work as a wheel seller. He sells cars’ wheels.

Everyday my dad sign papers that are given to him. He also checks on how the other staffs are working. He gets along well with the other staffs. He works right next to my grandma’s house. My dad goes to work on time and goes home at 5.00 pm. His work is also to make sure that everyone gets their orders of wheels. He signs the paper to approve everything that people will buy. If anyone wants to buy the wheel in a lower price, my dad will sign the papers to approve it, but he needs to agree with it. He also orders things from the factory to sell it.

I feel a little happy, because he usually comes home early and spends time with my family, but sometimes he can also come home late.

Well that’s all about my dad’s profession. I’m really proud of my dad.

Field Trip to Gedung Joang '45

Field Trip to Gedung Joang ‘45

On Thursday, 14 August 2008 Grade 6 took a field trip to Gedung Joang ’45. There are a lot of histories in this building. We went from school at 8.00 am. It was a very short trip because it was very close to the school.

When we got there, we waited a little while for the teachers to talk to the people/staff there. Then we went in and watched a presentation about the history of the building.

The presentation we watched told us that the building of Gedung Joang ’45 used to be hotel and a place to learn. Our first president, Soekarno, has ever become a teacher there, Soekarno taught the people politic. There are also some other teachers, including our first vice president, Moh.Hatta. The presentation also told us that when the Japanese arrived in Indonesia on 1942, this building is given to the Young Indonesians; they used the building to learn. The room in the middle to the back is used to learn. The building in the back is used as a kitchen. The presentation told us that on 16 August 1945 at 3.00 o’clock, the young Indonesians brought Soekarno-Hatta was brought away to discuss of how to the proclamation of the freedom of Indonesia. At 17 August 1945, at 10.00 o’clock Soekarno-Hatta, after the proclamation Soekarno-Hatta they raised the flag of Indonesia while singing the national anthem, Indonesia Raya. It was a very interesting and resourceful presentation. I learned a lot.

After the presentation we met our guide. He told us a lot of things. We asked questions and he answered our questions.

There was a sewing machine that Ibu Fatmawati, Soekarno’s wife, used to sew the flag of Indonesia. General Sudirman also brought it all the time in his part of war to sew the Indonesian’s torn up uniform or others.

Sammy asked “Why did we make our flag red and white?” The guide answered “Because the red symbolizes our blood and the white symbolizes our bones, that means brave and”

We saw a lot of things. I also learned a lot of stuff that I didn’t know.

We also saw 3 cars that Soekarno and Soeharto used. The first car is made in America, Soekarno used it in 1948, and the car was made in 1939. On 1938, our second president, Soeharto, used a car called Desoto that is also made in America. Soekarno also has his own personal car called Imperial that is also made in America.

After we saw the cars we said thank you to our guide. Our teacher called our school bus driver to pick us up at the building. While we waited some of us stayed and looked around the building, and some bought drinks.

It was a really fun field trip! I learned a lot!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008



Carrefour adalah suatu perusahaan yang telah menyebar ke seluruh dunia. Carrefour adalah satu toko yang menjual berbagai macam produk. Carrefour menjual produk-produk yang dibeli dari perusahaan yang lain dan dijual kembali. Carrefour juga menjual barang-barang yang dibutat di pabriknya.
Carrefour menjual berbagai macam barang, seperti baju/pakaian, makanan, minuman, alat tulis, sabun mandi, elektronik dan lain-lain.
Carrefour berasal dari Perancis. Karena globalisasi, Carrefour telah berada dimana-mana. Carrefour mendirikan perusahaannya di Indonesia agar dapat keuntungan yang lebih banyak. Perusahaannya didirikan di Indonesia karena terdapat banyak penduduk di Indonesia, jadi banyak orang akan membeli barang-barangnya. Carrefour juga mendirikannya di Indonesia, yang banyak penduduknya, karena banyak orang tidak punya kerja, sehingga orang-orang dapat bekerja di perusahaannya walaupun dibayar dengan murah. Indonesia terletak di antara 2 benua yaitu benua Asia dan benua Australia, sehingga bila barang-barang mau dikirim keluar dengan mudah.
Di Jakarta terdapat 4/lebih toko Carrefour. Ada yang di Mangga Dua Square, MT.Haryono dan lain-lain. Banyak orang berbelanja di Carrefour karena harganya cukup murah dan produknya cukup bagus.



Indomie adalah suatu produk mie instan yang terpopuler di Indonesia yang dibuat oleh PT.Indofood Sukses Makmur. Indomie adalah mie yang dibuat asli di Indonesia.
Asalnya Indomie adalah dari Jakarta. Disini terdapat pabriknya yang membuat Indomie untuk di konsumsi.
Indomie telah di export keluar negeri seperti Amerika Serikat, Australia, Asia, Afrika dan negara-negara di Eropa. Harga-harga Indomie murah, dan dapat dibeli juga untuk menyumbang kepada yang terkena bencana/musibah.
Indomie di Indonesia sangat murah, Indomie dijual dengan harga Rp.900,- per bungkusnya. Di Australia, Indomie dijual dengan harga 25 sen. Di Amerika, Indomie dijual dengan harga 1 dollar US per 3 bungkusnya.

Sosro adalah suatu perusahaan yang memproduksi dan menjual berbagai macam minuman.
Sosro berasal dari Jakarta. Ada pabrik fruit tea yang berada disini.
Sosro sudah di export ke Filipina, Singapura, Amerika dan lain-lain.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Tempat-tempat Wisata di Papua

Tempat-tempat Wisata di Papua

Ini adalah sebagian tempat-tempat wisata di Papua.

1. Monumen Perjuangan berupa Patung Paitua Kur
2. Pasar Nayak
3. Danau Air Garam
4. Tugu yang terdapat di Sabang
5. Lembah Baliem
6. Danau Sentani
7. Danau Tigi
8. Danau Yamur
9. Pantai Base G
10. Pantai Amai
11. Pantai Holtekamp
12. Monumen Tugu MacArthur
13. Penangkaran Buaya
14. Pemancar Polimak
15. Gunung Jaya Wijaya
16. Gunung Emas
17. Gunung Kwoka
18. Gunung Wasada
19. Gunung Dom
20. Pegunungan Vanrees

Reproduction of Salmon

Reproduction of Salmons

Salmons go a long way to reproduce. The salmon goes a long way that is about 200 or 300 km. There are also some salmons that go 2000 km away from their birthplace.
The salmon takes a trip from its birthplace, which is in the sea, to the fresh water. Salmons keep a lot of fat in their body for their long trip, so they can avoid any obstacles on the way. If they finish reproducing, salmons can lose 40% of their body weight and some can die. Only 5% of adult fish that can survive their trip from the sea. After a period of resting, for about 1-2 years, they return to the sea.
On the way back, the salmon finds a river and swims against the current, until they reach their place of birth. Then they lay their eggs in shallow water, on a surface of sand or pebbles.

Field Trip to Bentara Budaya Jakarta

These are some of my school work


-Field Trip to Bentara Budaya Jakarta-

On Friday, 1 August 2008, grade 6 had a field trip to Bentara Budaya Jakarta. We went from school at 8.10 am. Some grade 7 students also came with us. The teachers who came with us were Bu Dwi, Bu Dani and some other teachers.
After we reached there, my friends and I went to one room, where some people gathered to listen to stories. We sat down and some people told us some interesting stories. There were 2 women who came from outside of Indonesia, one came from Philippines and the other came from Singapore. There was also a famous storyteller named Pak Raden, who is a famous story teller. He also drew the picture, which he did very neatly. There were also some puppet players from Solo, who made puppets from leaves/grass.
After the storytelling, we each picked an activity to do. Some of my classmates joined the leaves puppet activity. I joined this activity too. Some joined the creative writing and some joined the illustrations activity.
Making the leaf puppet was very hard.
After that we had lunch. Then we went home. I had lots of fun!


Monday, August 4, 2008


Hi!!!! This post is all about my info!!!!

Name: Samantha (not telling my real name)
B'day: not telling too...
Characteristics: Not too tall!!
Hobbies: Playing computer, listening to music/iPod. I also like to call my friends (especially Jessica). I love chatting with my online friends like iluvjb4ever123 and jobrofan15820
They are my friends from youtube.
Fav.Singers/Bands: Jonas Brothers, Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus and Demi Lovato
Fav.Place: My Room!!!!
Style: Simple 'n' Stylish
Fav.TV Shows: Hannah Montana, iCarly and Wizards of Waverly Place
Fav.Movies: Camp Rock and Johnny Kapahala: Back On Board
Fav.Songs: Still in Love with You(JoBros) and I miss You(Miley Cyrus)
Fav.Actors: Joe Jonas, Jake T. Austin and Nick Jonas
Fav.Actresses: Selena Gomez, Miley Cyrus and Demi Lovato

That's all

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My Class

My name is Samantha! I am now in Grade 6. I have a new class now. It is big but it doesn't have a kitchen. So if we want to cook we need to the lower grade's classroom. I have a new friend named Kelvin, he became friends with Abi and Bowen. I have a new class teacher named Bu Dani. She is our teacher in Science. My new IT teacher is Pak Hari. My PE teacher is Pak Roy. My IPS, Pkn, Art, BI and PLBJ teacher is Bu Dwi, even she is not my class teacher, she teaches most of the lessons for my class. My English teacher is Bu Wiwik and Pak Ferdy, Bu Wiwik has been my english teacher since grade 3. I still enjoy playing with my old friends, we always have fun!! We have field trips to also help us to learn (not just at school), We always have fun in field trips because we visit lots of places. That's all about my class!!


I have a friend named Jessica. She is very nice to me. When I'm alone and sad, she will accompany me. She is also a great friend to talk to and tell my secrets and feelings. She also do weird things to make me laugh. But sometimes she can be really annoying too. She can also sometime ignore me!

Name: Jessica (can't tell u the real full name)
B'day: February 20
Characteristics: She is tall. She is quite thin/fat. She has black eyes.
Hobbies: She likes to play basketball, skateboarding and other sports. She also like to hang out with friends (including me. hehe...) and listening to music/iPod. She also like text on the phone.
Fav.Singer/Band: Jonas Brothers, My Chemical Romance and Rihanna
Fav.Place: Her Room
Style: apa gtu...
Fav.TV Show: Friends and Life of Ryan
Fav.Movie: Get Smart, Bridge to Terabithia

That's all about her!!

Monday, July 28, 2008

mY fRienDs roCk

I have a lot of friends. I have friends online and some in my real life. My online Besties are www.glitter-graphics/users/sunny07_hp, and some other really nice friends. My real life BESTEST FRIENDS are Jessica, Yuri, Beverly and Della. They are really nice to me. This is just names of my friends info about them will be in the next posting. Sorry if the info will always be in the next posting.

mY fRienDs aNd fAmiLy

I have a lot of friends and family. I have a lot of friends that are nice and some annoying. I have a friend called Sammy that I really really hate. If u wanna know more about me and more read the next posting. I will keep posting things about my life. Read more after this posting.